maleante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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maleante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Maleante is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term maleante refers to a person who engages in criminal activities or wrongdoing. It is often used to describe someone who breaks the law, poses a threat to society, or is involved in illegal practices. In the Spanish language, it is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to crime, law enforcement, and justice.

The word is moderately common in everyday speech, especially in contexts discussing crime or security concerns.

Example Sentences

  1. El maleante fue arrestado por la policía después de robar un banco.
  2. The criminal was arrested by the police after robbing a bank.
  3. Los maleantes suelen actuar bajo la oscuridad de la noche.
  4. Wrongdoers often act under the cover of night.
  5. El hombre temía salir a la calle porque había un maleante suelto en el vecindario.
  6. The man was afraid to go out because there was a criminal on the loose in the neighborhood.

Idiomatic Expressions

Though maleante is not commonly featured in widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it appears in various phrases related to crime or justice:

  1. "Atrapar a un maleante"
  2. To catch a criminal.
  3. Ejemplo: La policía se esfuerza mucho por atrapar a ese maleante que ha estado causando problemas.
  4. The police are working hard to catch that criminal who has been causing trouble.

  5. "Dar con el maleante"

  6. To find the wrongdoer.
  7. Ejemplo: El detective dijo que estaba cerca de dar con el maleante responsable del robo.
  8. The detective said he was close to finding the offender responsible for the robbery.

  9. "Convertirse en maleante"

  10. To become a criminal.
  11. Ejemplo: La vida en la calle puede llevar a muchos jóvenes a convertirse en maleantes.
  12. Life on the streets can lead many young people to become criminals.


The word maleante originates from the Spanish word mal, meaning "bad" or "evil," combined with the suffix -ante, which indicates an agent or one who performs a certain action. Thus, maleante essentially means "one who does evil."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Delincuente (delinquent) - Criminal (criminal) - Forajido (outlaw)

Antonyms - Honesto (honest) - Justo (just) - Probo (upright)
