malicioso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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malicioso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/maliˈθjoso/ (in Spain) or /maliˈ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, malicioso is used to describe someone or something that has malicious intent or is characterized by malevolent behavior. It denotes a deliberate desire to harm or cause injury to others, whether emotionally, physically, or in a social context. The frequency of use is relatively high in both oral and written contexts, often appearing in legal, formal, and everyday situations.

Example Sentences

  1. Su comportamiento malicioso quedó al descubierto cuando sus amigos le contaron la verdad.
  2. His malicious behavior was uncovered when his friends told him the truth.

  3. El software malicioso se diseñó para robar información personal.

  4. The malicious software was designed to steal personal information.

  5. Las críticas maliciosas de la prensa afectaron su reputación.

  6. The malicious criticisms from the press affected his reputation.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word malicioso is often used in idiomatic expressions, highlighting negative traits or actions. Here are some examples:

  1. Tener un humor malicioso.
  2. To have a malicious sense of humor.
  3. This expression is used to describe someone who enjoys making jokes at the expense of others or takes pleasure in others' misfortunes.

  4. Ser malicioso como un demonio.

  5. To be as malicious as a demon.
  6. This phrase conveys a strong sense of someone’s malicious nature, often used to emphasize extreme behavior.

  7. Malicioso por naturaleza.

  8. Malicious by nature.
  9. This is used to describe someone whose inherent behaviors or traits are negatively inclined or harmful.

  10. Ojo con sus palabras maliciosas.

  11. Be careful with his malicious words.
  12. This phrase serves as a warning about someone's ill-intentions behind their speech.


The word malicioso derives from the Latin malitiosus, which is composed of malitia meaning "malice" or "evil intent," coupled with the suffix -oso, which is used to form adjectives indicating a tendency or full of a certain quality.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Nocivo (harmful) - Perjudicial (detrimental) - Destructivo (destructive)

Antonyms: - Benigno (benign) - Amigable (friendly) - Beneficioso (beneficial)

This comprehensive overview should provide you with a solid understanding of the term malicioso in the Spanish language.
