maltratado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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maltratado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "maltratado" refers to someone or something that has been subjected to abuse or mistreatment. In legal contexts, it often pertains to cases of domestic violence, child abuse, or neglect. This term carries a heavy emotional weight and is commonly used in both spoken and written Spanish, especially in discussions about human rights, social justice, and legal matters.

Frequency of use: The term is frequently used in legal documents, reports, and discourse surrounding social issues. It is more prevalent in written contexts due to its serious connotation.

Example Sentences

  1. El niño fue maltratado por sus padres en varias ocasiones.
  2. The boy was abused by his parents on several occasions.

  3. Las leyes están cambiando para proteger a los animales maltratados.

  4. Laws are changing to protect mistreated animals.

  5. Es importante ayudar a las personas maltratadas a recuperar su confianza.

  6. It is important to help abused individuals regain their confidence.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "maltratado" isn't commonly found as a specific term in idiomatic expressions, it can relate to expressions about mistreatment or abuse in broader contexts. Here are some sentences that convey similar themes:

  1. Al tratar a alguien de forma maltratada, se pierde su respeto.
  2. By treating someone in an abusive manner, you lose their respect.

  3. No es bueno vivir en un ambiente donde uno se siente maltratado.

  4. It is not good to live in an environment where one feels abused.

  5. La comunidad está tomando medidas para proteger a las víctimas maltratadas.

  6. The community is taking steps to protect abused victims.


The word "maltratado" is derived from "maltratar," which combines "mal," meaning "bad" or "poorly," and "tratar," which means "to treat." Therefore, "maltratar" means "to treat badly" or "to mistreat."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Abusado - Desatendido (neglected)

Antonyms: - Tratado (treated) - Cuidado (cared for)

This comprehensive analysis of the word "maltratado" reflects its significance in the legal domain, emphasizing its implications and usage.
