maltrato - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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maltrato (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Maltrato" generally refers to the act of treating someone badly or abusively. It can denote physical, emotional, or psychological abuse. The term is often used in legal contexts to describe instances of abuse against individuals, especially vulnerable ones. It is commonly employed in both oral speech and written contexts, especially in discussions surrounding domestic abuse, animal rights, and child protection, reflecting its significant presence in laws and social discussions.

Frequency of Use

"Maltrato" is a frequently used term due to the ongoing discussions in society about abuse and rights protection. It appears more often in written contexts such as legal documents, reports, and articles discussing abuse cases.

Example Sentences

  1. El maltrato hacia los animales es un problema serio en nuestra sociedad.
  2. (Maltreatment towards animals is a serious problem in our society.)

  3. Las víctimas de maltrato a menudo necesitan apoyo psicológico.

  4. (Victims of abuse often need psychological support.)

  5. El gobierno ha implementado nuevas leyes para combatir el maltrato infantil.

  6. (The government has implemented new laws to combat child abuse.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "maltrato" itself is not commonly used in many idiomatic expressions, it is integral to phrases that address issues of abuse and mistreatment.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Context

  1. No se debe tolerar el maltrato en ninguna forma, ya sea físico o psicológico.
  2. (Abuse in any form, whether physical or psychological, should not be tolerated.)

  3. El maltrato no solo afecta a la víctima, sino también a quienes la rodean.

  4. (Abuse not only affects the victim but also those around them.)

  5. Es fundamental denunciar el maltrato para que la justicia actúe.

  6. (It's essential to report abuse so that justice can take action.)

  7. El maltrato en el hogar puede dejar cicatrices emocionales permanentes.

  8. (Domestic abuse can leave permanent emotional scars.)

  9. Campañas de concientización son clave para prevenir el maltrato en la infancia.

  10. (Awareness campaigns are key to preventing child abuse.)


The word "maltrato" is derived from the combination of the prefix "mal-" meaning "badly" or "ill," and "trato," which comes from the verb "tratar," meaning "to treat." Thus, "maltrato" literally means "bad treatment."

Synonyms and Antonyms
