mamada - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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mamada (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Blowjob
  2. Suck
  3. Felatio

Meaning and Usage

The word "mamada" is a colloquial term primarily used in Spain and Latin America to refer to the act of oral sex, specifically as it relates to male sexual organs. It is considered vulgar and is typically used in informal conversations rather than in written or formal contexts. "Mamada" can also be used metaphorically in various expressions, often to denote something that is deemed easy or trivial.

Its frequency of use can be quite high in certain social circles, especially among younger speakers or in contexts related to sexual dialogue. However, its vulgar nature means it may not be appropriate in all settings.

Example Sentences

  1. "Él le pidió una mamada a su novia."
    "He asked his girlfriend for a blowjob."

  2. "No me gusta hablar de mamadas en público."
    "I don't like talking about blowjobs in public."

  3. "Las mamadas pueden ser divertidas si ambos consienten."
    "Blowjobs can be fun if both consent."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "mamada" appears in several idiomatic expressions, usually with a sexual context or to imply something trivial.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "No hagas mamadas, enfócate en lo que es importante."
    "Don't do silly things, focus on what's important."

  2. "Me parece una mamada que no vinieras a la fiesta."
    "It seems like a stupid excuse that you didn't come to the party."

  3. "Están contándose mamadas en lugar de trabajar."
    "They are telling each other silly things instead of working."

  4. "Eso es una mamada; no hay razones para preocuparse."
    "That's nonsense; there are no reasons to worry."


The term "mamada" derives from the Spanish verb "mamar," which means "to suck" or "to suckle." The suffix "-ada" is often used in Spanish to form nouns relating to an action or result of an action, thus "mamada" can be understood as the result of the action of sucking.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In conclusion, "mamada" is a vulgar term specific to informal conversations surrounding sexual acts, often implying a level of triviality depending on the context in which it is used.
