mana - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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mana (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "mana" can function as a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "mana" typically refers to a concept borrowing from various cultural and spiritual traditions, often related to a supernatural force or energy believed to dwell in objects or people. Though less common in everyday conversation, it sees frequent use in literature, gaming, and discussions related to fantasy.

The term holds cultural significance particularly in the Pacific Islands, where it refers to a spiritual energy or power that resides in people, objects, or the environment.

Frequency of Use

"Mana" is more frequently used in written contexts, particularly in literature, gaming, and cultural discussions, rather than in everyday oral communication.

Example Sentences

  1. En el juego de rol, los personajes necesitan recolectar mana para lanzar hechizos.
  2. In the role-playing game, characters need to collect mana to cast spells.

  3. La antigua leyenda hablaba del mana que fluía en las montañas sagradas.

  4. The ancient legend spoke of the mana that flowed in the sacred mountains.

  5. Su música parecía tener un mana especial que encantaba a todos los oyentes.

  6. His music seemed to have a special mana that enchanted all listeners.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "mana" is not frequently used in fixed idiomatic expressions within Spanish vernacular, its concept is essential in various cultural narratives and fantasy lore. Here are some constructed expressions that use "mana":

  1. Tener el mana de la inspiración.
  2. "To have the mana of inspiration."
    This phrase suggests that someone is inspired or feels charged with creative energy.

  3. El lugar estaba cargado de mana.

  4. "The place was charged with mana."
    This expression can convey that a location has a mystical or powerful energy.

  5. Perder el mana es perder la conexión con lo sagrado.

  6. "Losing mana is losing connection with the sacred."
    This could mean that losing touch with one's spiritual energy results in a disconnect from profound or sacred experiences.

  7. Se puede sentir el mana en el aire durante la ceremonia.

  8. "You can feel the mana in the air during the ceremony."
    This indicates that the atmosphere during a ritual has spiritual significance.


The word "mana" is derived from various Polynesian languages where it denotes a supernatural force or spiritual power. Its use has been popularized in various contexts beyond the Pacific Islands, particularly in gaming and fantasy literature.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This structure provides a thorough understanding of the word "mana," its meaning, usage, examples, and cultural significance in the Spanish language.
