mandar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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mandar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. to send
  2. to command
  3. to order
  4. to dispatch

Meaning and Usage

"Mandar" is a versatile verb used in various contexts in the Spanish language. Primarily, it means "to send" or "to command." It can refer to sending messages, parcels, or people, as well as issuing commands or orders to someone.

The frequency of use is high in both spoken and written language, though it might appear slightly more in written contexts due to its formal implications when referring to orders or commands.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a mandar una carta a mi abuela.
  2. I am going to send a letter to my grandmother.

  3. El jefe decidió mandar a todos los empleados a una reunión.

  4. The boss decided to command all employees to a meeting.

  5. Por favor, manda el paquete antes del viernes.

  6. Please send the package before Friday.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Mandar" is often involved in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, showcasing different meanings and nuances. Some of the common idiomatic expressions include:

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Mandar a alguien al carajo.
  2. To send someone to hell.
  3. Esto significa despedir a alguien de manera brusca o indicar que quiere que se vaya.
  4. (This means to dismiss someone abruptly or indicate that one wants them to leave.)

  5. Mandar en casa.

  6. To be in charge at home.
  7. Se refiere a la persona que tiene autoridad o control en el hogar.
  8. (It refers to the person who has authority or control at home.)

  9. Mandar hacer algo.

  10. To order something to be done.
  11. Implica dar instrucciones para que alguien realice una tarea.
  12. (It implies giving instructions for someone to carry out a task.)

  13. Mandar recados.

  14. To send messages.
  15. Se utiliza cuando alguien solicita a otra persona que lleve un mensaje a alguien más.
  16. (It is used when someone asks another person to convey a message to someone else.)


The verb "mandar" originates from the Latin word "mandare," which means "to entrust" or "to order." This indicates that the essence of the verb revolves around the concept of authority and sending tasks or messages.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "mandar" is a widely used verb in Spanish that expresses a range of meanings around sending and commanding, with its roots in Latin showcasing deep historical significance. It functions effectively in both idiomatic forms and as a fundamental aspect of communication in various contexts.
