manejable - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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manejable (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "manejable" in Spanish refers to something that can be managed, controlled, or handled easily. It is commonly used in both spoken and written language, particularly in contexts that involve organization, administration, or handling of tasks and resources. The frequency of usage tends to be moderate, often appearing in discussions related to management, economics, and logistics.

Example Sentences

  1. El proyecto es manejable y se puede completar en un plazo razonable.
  2. The project is manageable and can be completed within a reasonable time.

  3. Con un equipo bien organizado, la carga de trabajo se vuelve más manejable.

  4. With a well-organized team, the workload becomes more manageable.

  5. La nueva tecnología hace que el proceso sea más manejable para todos.

  6. The new technology makes the process more manageable for everyone.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Manejable" is not frequently used in specific idiomatic expressions. However, it is often used in phrases and contexts that denote the idea of control or organization. Below are some examples:

  1. "Hacer algo manejable."
  2. "To make something manageable."
  3. Ejemplo: Necesitamos hacer este problema manejable para encontrar una solución.
  4. Example: We need to make this problem manageable to find a solution.

  5. "Mantener la situación manejable."

  6. "To keep the situation manageable."
  7. Ejemplo: Es crucial mantener la situación manejable para evitar complicaciones.
  8. Example: It is crucial to keep the situation manageable to avoid complications.

  9. "Distribuir tareas de manera manejable."

  10. "To distribute tasks in a manageable way."
  11. Ejemplo: Debemos distribuir las tareas de manera manejable para que todos puedan contribuir.
  12. Example: We should distribute the tasks in a manageable way so that everyone can contribute.


The word "manejable" derives from the Spanish verb "manejar," which means "to manage" or "to handle." The suffix "-able" is used to form adjectives indicating capability or suitability.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Controlable (Controllable) - Abordable (Affordable or approachable) - Gestionable (Manageable)

Antonyms: - Incontrolable (Uncontrollable) - Dificil (Difficult) - Imposible (Impossible)
