manifestar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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manifestar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "manifestar" in Spanish means to express, show, or demonstrate something. It is often used in both general and legal contexts to indicate the action of making one's feelings, intentions, or thoughts known. In law, it may refer to the formal declaration of rights or claims.

It has a moderate frequency of use, with common applications in both oral and written contexts. While it is utilized frequently in everyday conversation (oral speech), it is also prevalent in formal writings, such as legal documents, academia, and literature.

Example Sentences

  1. Manifiesto que estoy en desacuerdo con esa decisión.
    I manifest that I disagree with that decision.

  2. Los ciudadanos se manifestaron contra la contaminación.
    The citizens manifested against pollution.

  3. El niño manifestó su deseo de tener un perro.
    The child manifested his desire to have a dog.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "manifestar" is frequently used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, reflecting its versatility in conveying emotions or intentions.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Manifestar el deseo de; es importante para alcanzar tus metas.
    To manifest the desire to; it is important to achieve your goals.

  2. Manifestar una opinión; es un derecho fundamental en democracia.
    To manifest an opinion; it is a fundamental right in democracy.

  3. Es necesario manifestar la voluntad; de todos los involucrados en este caso.
    It is necessary to manifest the will; of all those involved in this case.

  4. Se debe manifestar solidaridad; con los que sufren en situaciones difíciles.
    One must manifest solidarity; with those who suffer in difficult situations.

  5. Manifestar sentimientos; puede ser difícil para algunas personas.
    To manifest feelings; can be difficult for some people.


The verb "manifestar" originates from the Latin word manifestare, which means "to make manifest, reveal, or show." The root manifests in Latin translates to "clear or obvious."

Synonyms and Antonyms


