The term "manifiesto" refers to a public declaration or statement of principles, intentions, or beliefs, often in a political or artistic context. In Spanish, it is used to express a coherent set of ideas or demands. The word is frequently encountered in both oral and written forms, especially in formal discourses, political discussions, and artistic movements.
In terms of usage frequency, it tends to appear more in written contexts like essays, manifestos of political parties, and artistic movements but is also commonly used in spoken discussions regarding ideology and principles.
El manifiesto de la organización propone un cambio radical en las políticas sociales.
The organization's manifesto proposes a radical change in social policies.
Muchos artistas firmaron un manifiesto en defensa de la libertad de expresión.
Many artists signed a manifesto in defense of freedom of expression.
El manifiesto de la revolución se leyó en la plaza principal.
The manifesto of the revolution was read in the main square.
The word "manifiesto" is often part of several expressions, especially in political and social contexts.
El gobierno presentó un manifiesto de intenciones para mejorar la economía.
The government presented a manifesto of intentions to improve the economy.
Manifiesto político
Political manifesto
El partido publicó su nuevo manifiesto político antes de las elecciones.
The party published its new political manifesto before the elections.
Manifiesto artístico
Artistic manifesto
El grupo de pintores lanzó un manifiesto artístico que desafía las tradiciones.
The group of painters launched an artistic manifesto that challenges traditions.
Manifiesto común
Common manifesto
Las organizaciones sociales firmaron un manifiesto común para exigir derechos humanos.
The social organizations signed a common manifesto to demand human rights.
Manifiesto de lucha
Manifesto of struggle
The term "manifiesto" originates from the latinate root "manfestus", which means "evident" or "clear". It evolved through Old Spanish as "manifesto", retaining its connotation of clarity and public declaration.
Synonyms: - Declaración (Declaration) - Proclama (Proclamation) - Plataforma (Platform)
Antonyms: - Ocultamiento (Concealment) - Silencio (Silence) - Confusión (Confusion)