manija - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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manija (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Manija" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "manija" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /maˈnixa/.

Translation Options into English

  1. Handle
  2. Knob
  3. Grip

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "manija" primarily refers to a handle or lever that is used to open or close doors, drawers, or other objects. It can also mean a knob or a grip for manual operation. The word is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions related to mechanics, furniture, or construction. Its frequency of use might vary by region, with more technical contexts appearing in written form.

Example Sentences

  1. La manija de la puerta está rota.
    The handle of the door is broken.

  2. Necesitamos cambiar la manija del cajón.
    We need to change the knob of the drawer.

  3. Con la manija se puede abrir la ventana fácilmente.
    With the handle, you can easily open the window.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Manija" is not only used in literal contexts, but it also appears in some idiomatic expressions. Here are a few notable expressions:

  1. Estar como una manija
    Meaning: To be very excited or agitated.
    Ejemplo: Desde que ganó la lotería, está como una manija.
    Since he won the lottery, he is very excited.

  2. Dejarse llevar por la manija
    Meaning: To let oneself be carried away by emotions or impulses.
    Ejemplo: A veces, me dejo llevar por la manija y digo cosas que no debo.
    Sometimes, I let myself get carried away and say things I shouldn't.

  3. Jugar con la manija
    Meaning: To fiddle with something or to jest around; can also imply being non-serious.
    Ejemplo: No es momento de jugar con la manija, tenemos que trabajar.
    It's not time to mess around; we have to work.


The word "manija" is derived from the Latin "maniculum," which refers to a hand or a handle. The evolution of the term in Spanish has retained the meaning related to handles and grips.

Synonyms and Antonyms


  1. Asidero (hold, grip)
  2. Agarradera (handle, grip)
  3. Pomo (knob)


  1. Desprendido (loose)
  2. Desconectado (disconnected)

This structured overview provides comprehensive insights into the word "manija," highlighting its usages, meanings, and contextual significance in the Spanish language.
