manivela - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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manivela (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "manivela" refers to a mechanical device used to convert rotational motion into linear motion, commonly found in devices requiring manual operation, such as crankshafts, levers, and handles. In Spanish, it is used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to engineering, mechanics, and military equipment. The frequency of use is moderate, being more prevalent in written technical texts compared to everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Para abrir la puerta del taller, debes usar la manivela.
    To open the workshop door, you must use the crank.

  2. La manivela del ventilador se rompió y no puedo encenderlo.
    The fan's handle broke, and I can't turn it on.

  3. El ingeniero diseñó una manivela que facilita el movimiento de la máquina.
    The engineer designed a crank that facilitates the machine's movement.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "manivela" is not frequently found in common idiomatic expressions in Spanish; however, it can sometimes be metaphorically used to describe processes that require manual effort or manipulation.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Tener que dar a la manivela para avanzar en el proyecto.
    You have to crank it to advance in the project.

  2. A veces, la vida te obliga a ser como una manivela: girar y adaptarte a las circunstancias.
    Sometimes, life forces you to be like a crank: turning and adapting to circumstances.

  3. La burocracia es una manivela que retrasa los procesos.
    Bureaucracy is a crank that delays processes.


The word "manivela" comes from the Latin word "manivela," which is derived from "manus" (hand) combined with the suffix "-vela," indicating a device or tool. The term's use has evolved to refer specifically to mechanical cranks or handles.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Palanca (lever) - Mango (handle) - Engranaje (gear - in some contexts)

Antonyms: - Fijo (fixed) - Estático (static)
