mano de obra - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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mano de obra (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun Phrase

Phonetic Transcription

/má.no ðe 'o.βɾa/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The phrase "mano de obra" refers to the labor or workforce required for a particular task, especially in fields such as construction, manufacturing, and agriculture. It encompasses both skilled and unskilled workers. This term is commonly used in both spoken and written Spanish, particularly in contexts discussing economic, labor, or business topics. It can be found in articles, reports, and discussions about employment and productivity.

Frequency of Use

"Mano de obra" is frequently used in discussions about labor markets, hiring practices, and economic conditions. It is prevalent in both oral and written forms, although it may appear more in written contexts due to its formal nature.

Example Sentences

  1. La construcción de la nueva carretera requerirá mucha mano de obra.
  2. The construction of the new road will require a lot of labor.

  3. Las empresas deben asegurarse de tener suficiente mano de obra para cumplir con la demanda.

  4. Companies must ensure they have enough workforce to meet the demand.

  5. El aumento en el salario mínimo afectará el costo de la mano de obra en el sector servicios.

  6. The increase in the minimum wage will affect the cost of labor in the service sector.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Mano de obra" is often used in various idiomatic expressions and contexts to discuss labor-related concepts or challenges. Here are some expressions and sentences:

  1. Mano de obra barata
  2. Muchas fábricas dependen de la mano de obra barata para mantener sus costos bajos.
  3. Many factories rely on cheap labor to keep their costs down.

  4. Contratar mano de obra

  5. La empresa decidió contratar mano de obra local para el proyecto.
  6. The company decided to hire local labor for the project.

  7. Falta de mano de obra

  8. La falta de mano de obra en el país ha llevado a aumentar los salarios.
  9. The lack of labor in the country has led to rising wages.

  10. Mano de obra especializada

  11. Necesitamos mano de obra especializada para este tipo de trabajo.
  12. We need specialized manpower for this type of work.

  13. Escasez de mano de obra

  14. La escasez de mano de obra en el sector agrícola es un gran problema.
  15. The shortage of labor in the agricultural sector is a big problem.


The term "mano de obra" literally translates to "hand of work." The word "mano" means "hand," implying manual labor or physical work, while "obra" means "work" or "task." This phrase reflects historical and cultural ties to labor practices and the importance of human effort in completing various tasks.

Synonyms and Antonyms


