manojo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

manojo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Manojo is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Bundle
  2. Bunch
  3. Handful

Meaning and Usage

Manojo generally refers to a small bundle or a bunch of something, typically tied or gathered together. It is often used to describe a collection of items that can be handled with one hand, such as a bunch of flowers, a handful of grass, or a small group of sticks.

In terms of frequency, manojo is used moderately in both spoken and written contexts but may appear more often in specific domains like farming, botany, and crafts.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella recogió un manojo de flores del jardín.
  2. She picked a bundle of flowers from the garden.

  3. Necesitamos un manojo de leña para la fogata.

  4. We need a bundle of firewood for the campfire.

  5. Compré un manojo de verduras frescas en el mercado.

  6. I bought a bunch of fresh vegetables at the market.

Idiomatic Expressions

While manojo does not feature prominently in a wide array of idiomatic expressions, it can still hold meaning in specific contexts. Here are a few idiomatic uses:

  1. Manojo de nervios
  2. Translation: "Bundle of nerves."
  3. Example: Estaba un manojo de nervios antes de presentar su proyecto.
  4. Translation: He was a bundle of nerves before presenting his project.

  5. Manojo de problemas

  6. Translation: "A bunch of problems."
  7. Example: Este proyecto se ha convertido en un manojo de problemas.
  8. Translation: This project has turned into a bunch of problems.

  9. Manojo de sorpresas

  10. Translation: "A bundle of surprises."
  11. Example: El viaje fue un manojo de sorpresas que nunca olvidaremos.
  12. Translation: The trip was a bundle of surprises that we will never forget.


The word manojo comes from the Latin word maniculum, which means "handle" or "little hand". This etymology reflects the connection to the idea of something small and manageable that can be grasped or handled.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This response captures the comprehensive aspects of the word "manojo," addressing its meaning, usage, and related expressions in the Spanish language.
