marcado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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marcado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Marcado is an adjective in Spanish. It is derived from the verb "marcar."

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, marcado generally means something that is marked, noticeable, or distinct. It is often used to describe characteristics, traits, or features that stand out.

The word is relatively common in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear more frequently in written discussions involving descriptions, analyses, or formal language.

Frequency of Use

It is frequently used to emphasize a significant difference or highlight particular qualities in a subject.

Example Sentences

  1. El cambio de temperatura fue muy marcado durante el invierno.
    The temperature change was very marked during the winter.

  2. Su acento es tan marcado que se nota de inmediato.
    His accent is so pronounced that it is noticeable right away.

  3. Presentaron un informe con un estilo de escritura marcado y creativo.
    They presented a report with a marked and creative writing style.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although marcado isn't part of too many idiomatic expressions itself, it can be essential in various phrases or contexts. Here are a few expressions highlighting its meaning or use:

  1. Llevar la voz marcada.
    To have a distinct voice.
    Sabe que cuando canta, lleva la voz marcada y conmueve a todos.
    He knows that when he sings, he has a distinct voice and moves everyone.

  2. Tener una marca marcada.
    To have a noticeable mark.
    La marca marcada en su piel es resultado de la cicatriz de un accidente.
    The noticeable mark on his skin is the result of a scar from an accident.

  3. Marcar una diferencia.
    To make a difference.
    Ella siempre busca formas de marcar una diferencia en la comunidad.
    She always looks for ways to make a difference in the community.

  4. Un estilo marcado.
    A marked style.
    La artista se caracteriza por un estilo marcado que la distingue de los demás.
    The artist is characterized by a marked style that sets her apart from the others.


The word marcado comes from the Spanish verb "marcar," which means "to mark." The origin of "marcar" can be traced back to the Latin word "marcare," which means "to mark, hit, or strike."

Synonyms and Antonyms



This structured approach provides a comprehensive overview of the word marcado, elucidating its meanings, usage, and relevance in the Spanish language.
