mareo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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mareo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

“Mareo” refers to a sensation of dizziness or nausea, often accompanied by a feeling of unbalance. It can describe the physical state of feeling lightheaded, typically caused by factors such as motion sickness, inner ear disturbances, changes in altitude, or anxiety.

In the Spanish language, “mareo” can be used in both oral and written contexts, though it is more common in casual, everyday speech. This word appears frequently in conversations related to health, travel, and general well-being. The frequency of its use can vary regionally, but overall it is recognized and understood across Spanish-speaking countries.

Example Sentences

Idiomatic Expressions

“Mareo” is part of some idiomatic expressions in Spanish, typically related to feelings of dizziness or confusion. Here are a few examples:


The word “mareo” comes from the Latin “māreō”, which means “to be dizzy or to be faint”. Over time, it evolved in the Spanish language into its current form reflecting related sensations of dizziness and nausea.



“Mareo” is an important term in conversations about health and well-being, often indicating the need for caution, particularly in travel or medical discussions.
