marfil - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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marfil (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Marfil" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Marfil" refers to the hard, white material made from the tusks and teeth of animals, most notably elephants. It is often used in art, decoration, and in manufacturing various objects. In the Spanish language, "marfil" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about art, antiques, and animal conservation.

Frequency of Use: The word is moderately frequent in Spanish, used in specialized contexts such as art or discussions about wildlife. It is more common in written texts, particularly those discussing artistic materials or historical conservation efforts, but it can also appear in spoken language.

Example Sentences

  1. La escultura estaba hecha de marfil y era muy valiosa.
    The sculpture was made of ivory and was very valuable.

  2. El marfil se utiliza a menudo en la fabricación de instrumentos musicales.
    Ivory is often used in the manufacture of musical instruments.

  3. La caza ilegal de marfil ha puesto en peligro a muchas especies.
    The illegal hunting of ivory has endangered many species.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "marfil" does not have extensive idiomatic expressions associated with it, it can appear in idioms related to value, rarity, and the ethical implications of its use. Below are a few constructions that incorporate the word:

  1. Vender algo como si fuera marfil.
    To sell something as if it were ivory.
    (Meaning: To exaggerate the value of something.)

  2. Tener un corazón de marfil.
    To have a heart of ivory.
    (Meaning: To be cold-hearted or unfeeling.)

  3. El marfil blanco del tiempo.
    The white ivory of time.
    (Meaning: Referring to something precious and fleeting.)


The word "marfil" comes from the árabe clásico "مَخْرَف" (makhrif), which also referred to ivory. The connection with ancient trade routes and the significance of ivory in various cultures are reflected in the etymology of the term.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Ébano (Ebony) - Although it refers to a different material, it can be mentioned in contexts discussing fine woods. - Hueso (Bone) - In specific contexts, it may relate to materials derived from animals.

Antonyms: - Plástico (Plastic) - In contexts where the natural versus synthetic materials are contrasted. - Artificial (Artificial) - Again in comparative discussions about materials.

This comprehensive analysis provides insight into the word "marfil," exploring its meaning, usage, and cultural significance.
