marinera - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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marinera (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Marinera is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Marinera - A traditional dance and music genre from Peru, also refers to a type of naval officer or sailor.
  2. Sailor - In colloquial usage, especially in nautical contexts.

Meaning and Usage

The term marinera has multiple meanings depending on the context:

  1. Dance and Music: It refers to a traditional Peruvian dance characterized by its rhythmic movements and often featuring a couple dancing together. The marinera is recognized for its cultural significance in Peru and includes variations based on regional styles.

  2. Naval Context: In a more general sense, marinera can also denote someone who works at sea, particularly in a military or naval context, which refers to sailors or officers.

Frequency of Use

Marinera is frequently used in both oral and written forms, particularly in regions where the dance is a part of cultural celebrations and festivals. The context influences whether it is used more in cultural discourse or nautical discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La marinera es un baile tradicional que se celebra en muchas fiestas peruanas.
    The marinera is a traditional dance celebrated in many Peruvian festivals.

  2. Los marinera son fundamentales en la historia naval de nuestro país.
    The sailors are fundamental to the naval history of our country.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Saber como un marinera: To know something very well (similar to "to know the ropes").
    Ella sabe como un marinera sobre la historia del arte.
    She knows art history like the back of her hand.

  2. Marinera de corazón: To be passionate or deeply in love with something, often used to express deep affection for one’s culture or heritage.
    Soy marinera de corazón, siempre llevo mi bandera en alto.
    I am a marinera at heart; I always carry my flag high.

  3. No ser marinera de agua dulce: To be experienced and not naive about a particular issue or situation.
    No soy marinera de agua dulce; sé cómo funciona este negocio.
    I’m not new to this; I know how this business operates.


The word marinera comes from the Spanish root marino, which means "marine" or "related to the sea." It is derived from the Latin marinus, stemming from the word mare for "sea." The evolution points towards both the nautical origins of the term and its adoption into cultural expressions.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Bailarina (when referring to a dancer) - Navegante (sailor)

Antonyms: - Terrícola (earth dweller) - Civil (in the context of civilian versus military)
