marketing - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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marketing (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "marketing" is borrowed directly from English and is used to refer to the process of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service. It encompasses various activities like market research, advertising, sales strategy, and customer outreach. The term is frequently used in both written and oral contexts, particularly in business, education, and media. A search indicates that it is a commonly used term in professional and academic discourse.

Frequency of Use

"Marketing" is widely used among professionals in business sectors, especially among marketers, advertisers, and sales professionals. It tends to be more common in written contexts (academic articles, business reports) but is also prevalent in oral discussions (meetings, presentations).

Example Sentences

  1. La estrategia de marketing que implementaron aumentó las ventas considerablemente.
    (The marketing strategy they implemented considerably increased sales.)

  2. Es fundamental entender las tendencias del marketing digital para alcanzar al público joven.
    (It is essential to understand digital marketing trends to reach young audiences.)

  3. Muchas empresas dependen de un buen marketing para competir en el mercado.
    (Many companies rely on good marketing to compete in the market.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While the term "marketing" itself may not be used in many idiomatic expressions in Spanish, it is commonly found in phrases related to marketing strategies and concepts. Here are some relevant expressions:

  1. Estar en el punto de mira del marketing
  2. (To be in the marketing spotlight.)
  3. Este producto está en el punto de mira del marketing por su innovación.
    (This product is in the marketing spotlight because of its innovation.)

  4. Marketing de guerrilla

  5. (Guerrilla marketing)
  6. La campaña de marketing de guerrilla fue un éxito en atraer la atención del público.
    (The guerrilla marketing campaign was a success in attracting public attention.)

  7. Estrategia de marketing

  8. (Marketing strategy)
  9. La estrategia de marketing de la empresa ha cambiado para adaptarse a las nuevas tendencias.
    (The company’s marketing strategy has changed to adapt to new trends.)

  10. Segmentación de mercado

  11. (Market segmentation)
  12. La segmentación de mercado es crucial para identificar a los consumidores objetivo.
    (Market segmentation is crucial for identifying target consumers.)

  13. Tendencias del marketing

  14. (Marketing trends)
  15. Mantenerse al día con las tendencias del marketing es vital para el éxito de cualquier negocio.
    (Keeping up with marketing trends is vital for the success of any business.)


The word "marketing" originates from the English word "market," which itself is derived from the Latin "mercatus," meaning "trade" or "market place." The term entered Spanish usage in the late 20th century as global business practices began to cross international borders.

Synonyms and Antonyms




"Marketing" is an essential concept in modern business, represented as a borrowed term in Spanish that encompasses a wide variety of functions related to the promotion and distribution of products and services. Its usage is ingrained in both everyday business vocabulary and specific marketing jargon, reflecting its critical role in commercial success.
