mascadura - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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mascadura (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "mascadura" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning, Usage, and Frequency

"Mascadura" refers to the residue or remaining pulp from a substance, particularly after it has been processed. In general usage, it is often associated with the leftover material from crushed fruits, grains, or similar substances—like the pulp left after making juice or other products.

In the context of Honduras and polytechnical environments, "mascadura" is likely to be encountered in agricultural, food processing, or industrial settings, particularly where natural materials are processed.

The word "mascadura" is more frequently used in written contexts, especially in documentation related to agriculture and food production processes. It is less common in everyday oral conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. La mascadura que quedó después de hacer jugo de naranja se puede utilizar como fertilizante.
  2. The mash that was left after making orange juice can be used as fertilizer.

  3. En la fábrica, la mascadura es un subproducto que genera residuos.

  4. In the factory, the pulp is a by-product that generates waste.

  5. La mascadura del café se usa en la elaboración de biofertilizantes.

  6. The coffee pulp is used in the production of biofertilizers.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "mascadura" itself is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, it can be used to illustrate concepts related to waste, by-products, and natural processes in broader expressions. Here are some creative constructions that could involve this word:

  1. "No hay que desperdiciar la mascadura, siempre se puede sacar algo positivo de ella."
  2. "One should not waste the mash; there is always something positive to be derived from it."

  3. "La mascadura de la vida a veces es más valiosa que el producto final."

  4. "The residue of life is sometimes more valuable than the final product."

  5. "Entre la mascadura de cada error, siempre queda una lección aprendida."

  6. "Among the residue of every mistake, there is always a lesson learned."


The term "mascadura" derives from the Spanish verb "macerar," which means "to soften" or "to steep," often used in contexts involving soaking materials in liquid to extract flavors, nutrients, or to aid in the processing of products. The suffix "-ura" is a common feminine noun form used in Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Pulpa - Residuo - Despojo

Antonyms: - Producto - Entero - Completo

This structure provides a comprehensive overview of "mascadura," covering its linguistic aspects, usage, meanings, and connections to broader expressions in the Spanish language.
