mascullar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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mascullar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To masculinize
  2. To articulate
  3. To utter

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "mascullar" primarily means to speak in a low voice or murmuringly, often making it difficult to understand what is being said. It can also refer to the act of masculinizing, though this usage is less common in everyday language. The word is more frequently used in oral speech than in written contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. "Ella empezó a mascullar cuando se dio cuenta de que estaba siendo observada."
    "She started to mumble when she realized she was being watched."

  2. "No puedo escuchar lo que estás diciendo, solo puedes mascullar."
    "I can’t hear what you are saying, you can only mumble."

  3. "El hombre masculló palabras incomprensibles mientras caminaba solo."
    "The man mumbled incomprehensible words as he walked alone."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "mascullar" itself is not widely featured in idiomatic expressions, the concept of murmuring or speaking softly is often associated with phrases that imply ambiguity or secrecy. Here are some relevant idiomatic expressions:

  1. "Mascullar entre dientes"
    Meaning: To mumble between one's teeth (to speak in a way that is difficult to understand)
    Example: "Cuando le pregunté, solo masculló entre dientes."
    "When I asked him, he just mumbled under his breath."

  2. "Mascullo que no"
    Meaning: A mumble of disagreement
    Example: "A pesar de su mascullo que no, decidimos seguir adelante."
    "Despite his mumble of disagreement, we decided to go ahead."

  3. "Mascullo como un pez"
    Meaning: To mumble as if one is overwhelmed (like a fish)
    Example: "Después de escuchar su opinión, sólo masculló como un pez."
    "After hearing his opinion, he just mumbled like a fish."


The word "mascullar" comes from the Latin "mānsūlārē," which means "to chew" or "to speak indistinctly." Its roots are connected to the idea of producing sounds that are not clearly articulated.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Murmurar (to murmur) - Balbucear (to stammer)

Antonyms: - Articular (to articulate) - Expresar (to express)
