maser - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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maser (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "maser" refers to a device that amplifies microwave signals by stimulated emission of radiation. It is commonly associated with advanced physics and engineering, particularly in fields such as telecommunications and astronomical research. The term is relatively specialized and primarily encountered in written contexts, such as scientific literature and technical manuals. It is less frequently used in daily spoken language, reflecting its niche application in polytechnical and military domains.

Example Sentences

  1. El ingeniero explicó cómo un maser puede ser utilizado en comunicaciones ópticas.
  2. The engineer explained how a maser can be used in optical communications.

  3. Los científicos están investigando nuevas aplicaciones para los masers en la astronomía.

  4. Scientists are researching new applications for masers in astronomy.

  5. Durante el desarrollo del satélite, se integró un maser para mejorar la señal.

  6. During the satellite development, a maser was integrated to enhance the signal.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "maser" does not have widely recognized idiomatic expressions associated with it. However, several phrases can convey concepts related to technology and precision:

  1. "No hay máser que no brille"
  2. Translation: "There is no maser that does not shine."
  3. Meaning: Represents the idea that good technology stands out in its performance.

  4. "A través del maser, las señales se amplifican"

  5. Translation: "Through the maser, the signals are amplified."
  6. Meaning: Used metaphorically to suggest that good communication or efforts amplify results.

  7. "El maser en una conversación hace la diferencia"

  8. Translation: "The maser in a conversation makes the difference."
  9. Meaning: Refers to the importance of clarity and precision in effective communication.


The term "maser" is derived from the acronym "Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation," which reflects its functionality and application in amplifying microwave signals through stimulated emission. The concept was developed in the mid-20th century as advances in quantum physics emerged.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Amplificador de microondas (microwave amplifier)

Antonyms: - Atenuador (attenuator) - reduces signal strength, in contrast to an amplifier like a maser.
