matricular - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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matricular (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb matricular primarily means to register or enroll in an institution, such as a school or university. In a legal context, it can also refer to the formal process of recording information in an official register, such as the matrilineal records of a property.

This term is used frequently in both spoken and written Spanish, particularly in educational settings.

Example Sentences

  1. Voy a matricularme en la universidad este año.
  2. I am going to enroll in the university this year.

  3. Es necesario matricular a los estudiantes antes de la fecha límite.

  4. It is necessary to register the students before the deadline.

  5. Para participar en el curso, debes matricularte previamente.

  6. To participate in the course, you must register beforehand.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "matricular" itself may not be heavily featured in idiomatic expressions, it is often found in contexts that imply obligations or necessary actions regarding enrollment or registration. Here are some contextual phrases instead:

  1. Matricular por adelantado - To enroll in advance.
  2. Es importante matricular por adelantado si quieres asegurar tu lugar en la clase.
  3. It is important to enroll in advance if you want to secure your spot in the class.

  4. Matricular a última hora - To register at the last minute.

  5. No es recomendable matricular a última hora, ya que podrías perderte información importante.
  6. It is not advisable to register at the last minute, as you might miss important information.

  7. Matricularse en una lista de espera - To enroll on a waiting list.

  8. Muchas personas se matriculan en una lista de espera para los cursos populares.
  9. Many people enroll on a waiting list for popular courses.


The word matricular comes from the Latin term matriculāre, which is derived from matricula, meaning a register or list, particularly a list of names. The term has evolved in modern Spanish to encompass the act of registering or enrolling in various contexts.



This comprehensive overview of the term "matricular" highlights its importance in both educational and legal contexts in the Spanish language.
