matrona - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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matrona (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "matrona" refers to a trained professional who assists women during childbirth. This term is commonly used in both medical contexts and everyday conversation related to pregnancy and childbirth. The frequency of use is relatively high in medical contexts, especially in hospitals and clinics, but it can also appear in informal conversations about maternal health. It is more often found in written contexts, such as medical literature, but also appears in oral speech in appropriate settings.

Example Sentences

  1. La matrona recomienda hacer ejercicios de respiración durante el trabajo de parto.
  2. The midwife recommends doing breathing exercises during labor.

  3. La matrona explicó los diferentes métodos de parto a la futura madre.

  4. The midwife explained the different birthing methods to the expectant mother.

  5. La matrona estuvo presente durante todo el proceso de nacimiento en el hospital.

  6. The midwife was present throughout the entire birth process in the hospital.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "matrona" is not typically part of idiomatic expressions, but it can be associated with various phrases that discuss maternal care or childbirth.

Example Sentences with Contextual Meaning

  1. "La matrona es un ángel en el momento del parto."
  2. "The midwife is an angel at the moment of birth."
  3. (Indicating the important supportive role of a midwife)

  4. "Cada vez que una matrona ayuda a nacer a un bebé, un nuevo capítulo comienza."

  5. "Every time a midwife helps a baby be born, a new chapter begins."
  6. (Emphasizing the transformational role of a midwife)


The word "matrona" originates from the Latin word "matrona," meaning "mother" or "married woman." The term has maintained a connection to motherhood throughout its evolution, reflecting the role of midwives in supporting mothers during childbirth.

Synonyms and Antonyms


