mediante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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mediante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Mediante" is a preposition in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Mediante" is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish to indicate the method or means through which something is achieved or accomplished. It often serves to explain how a particular result is obtained or how a process occurs. The word is frequently used in formal contexts, including legal language, administrative documentation, and academic writing.

Frequency of Use

"Mediante" is relatively common in written text, particularly in legal, formal, and technical contexts, though it is also used in oral communication, especially when discussing processes or mechanisms.

Example Sentences

  1. El contrato fue modificado mediante un acuerdo entre las partes.
  2. The contract was modified by means of an agreement between the parties.

  3. Se logró la financiación mediante la colaboración de varios inversores.

  4. The funding was achieved through the collaboration of several investors.

  5. La información se transmitió mediante un sistema de comunicación seguro.

  6. The information was transmitted via a secure communication system.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "mediante" itself is not a component of many idiomatic expressions, it can create phrases that outline mechanisms or processes. Here are few sentences that illustrate its usage in different contexts:

  1. Se realizó mediante el uso de tecnología avanzada.
  2. It was carried out by means of advanced technology.

  3. El proyecto fue aceptado mediante votación unánime.

  4. The project was approved through unanimous vote.

  5. La empresa creció mediante estrategias innovadoras.

  6. The company grew via innovative strategies.

  7. Mediante este acuerdo, ambas partes se benefician.

  8. Through this agreement, both parties benefit.

  9. Las decisiones se toman mediante un proceso consultivo.

  10. Decisions are made by means of a consultative process.

  11. Las leyes fueron aprobadas mediante un riguroso debate.

  12. The laws were approved through a rigorous debate.

  13. La regulación se implementa mediante procedimientos claros.

  14. The regulation is implemented via clear procedures.

  15. Los resultados se presentan mediante informes detallados.

  16. The results are presented through detailed reports.


"Mediante" comes from the Latin word "mediantes," the present participle of "mediari," meaning "to mediate" or "to intervene." Its fundamental meaning relates to the act of being in the middle or through a method, which is consistent with its modern usage in indicating means or methods.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In conclusion, "mediante" is a versatile preposition that effectively conveys the idea of means or methods in various contexts, especially in legal and formal language.
