Noun phrase
/meˈðjos konβenθjoˈnales/
The phrase "medios convencionales" refers to traditional or conventional means of communication, usually in a military context. It can include methods such as radio, newspapers, and other forms of communication established and recognized as standard within the military field. This phrase is more commonly used in a written context, particularly in official military documents or reports.
Utilizaremos los medios convencionales para transmitir la información al resto de la tropa.
We will use conventional means to relay the information to the rest of the troop.
Los medios convencionales de comunicación han sido reforzados en la base militar.
Conventional media of communication have been reinforced at the military base.
In the military context, "medios convencionales" can also be part of idiomatic expressions. Some examples include: 1. Salir de los medios convencionales - To go beyond the conventional means - No podemos salir de los medios convencionales para comunicarnos con la base. We cannot go beyond the conventional means to communicate with the base.
The word "medios" comes from the Latin "medius," meaning "middle" or "intermediate," while "convencionales" is the Spanish term for "conventional," derived from the Latin "conventionales."