medir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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medir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "medir" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) transcription for "medir" is /meˈðiɾ/.

Translation Options into English

"Medir" can be translated into English as:

Meaning and Usage

The verb "medir" means to determine the dimensions, quantity, or capacity of something. It is generally used in contexts involving physical measurements, such as length, weight, and volume, but it can also apply to figurative assessments like measuring success or assessing risk.

Frequency of Use

"Medir" is a commonly used verb in both oral and written Spanish contexts but can be particularly prevalent in scientific, technical, and educational discussions due to its measuring connotation.

Example Sentences

  1. Medir la longitud de la mesa es esencial para saber si cabe en la habitación.
    Measuring the length of the table is essential to know if it fits in the room.

  2. Es importante medir los riesgos antes de tomar una decisión financiera.
    It is important to measure the risks before making a financial decision.

  3. El profesor pidió a los estudiantes que midieran la temperatura del agua.
    The teacher asked the students to measure the temperature of the water.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Medir" is often involved in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Medir palabras - To measure one's words.
    Es sabio medir palabras antes de responder para no ofender a nadie.
    It's wise to measure one's words before responding to avoid offending anyone.

  2. Medir el éxito - To measure success.
    No siempre se puede medir el éxito solo por el dinero que se gana.
    Success cannot always be measured just by the money one makes.

  3. Medir fuerzas - To gauge strengths (or to compete).
    Antes de la competencia, los equipos deben medir fuerzas para saber quién es el favorito.
    Before the competition, the teams should gauge their strengths to see who is the favorite.

  4. Medir el tiempo - To measure the time.
    Es esencial medir el tiempo en las pruebas para evaluar el rendimiento de los estudiantes.
    It's essential to measure the time in tests to evaluate the students' performance.


The word "medir" derives from the Latin "metīre," which also means to measure. Its root is linked to various related terms in both Latin and Romance languages that pertain to measurement.

Synonyms and Antonyms


