Part of Speech: Noun
Phonetic Transcription: /ˈmesa/
Meanings and Usage: - Meanings: "Mesa" means "table" in English. It refers to a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a stable surface for various activities. It is commonly used in both oral and written Spanish across different contexts.
Examples: 1. Pon la comida en la mesa. (Put the food on the table.) 2. La mesa del comedor es de madera. (The dining table is made of wood.)
Idiomatic Expressions: "Mesa" is not typically used in Spanish idiomatic expressions. It is generally understood in its literal sense as "table."
Etymology: The word "mesa" comes from the Latin word "mensa," which has the same meaning of "table."
Synonyms: - tabla (board) - escritorio (desk)
Antonyms: - silla (chair) - suelo (floor)