mestizo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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mestizo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Mestizo is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/mesˈtiθo/ (in Castilian Spanish) or /mesˈtizo/ (in Latin American Spanish)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term mestizo refers to a person of mixed racial ancestry, specifically those who are of both European (usually Spanish) and Indigenous American descent. It is a significant term within Latin American contexts and carries cultural and historical implications, particularly tied to colonialism and the formation of social hierarchies.

In terms of usage frequency, mestizo is commonly found in both oral and written contexts, especially within discussions surrounding ethnicity, identity, history, and social issues in Latin America. It plays a crucial role in the cultural identity of many individuals in countries like Mexico, Peru, and others in Central and South America.

Example Sentences

  1. El mestizo es una parte fundamental de la identidad cultural en muchos países de América Latina.
    The mestizo is a fundamental part of the cultural identity in many Latin American countries.

  2. Muchos mestizos se sienten orgullosos de su herencia multicultural.
    Many mestizos feel proud of their multicultural heritage.

  3. La historia del mestizo en Latinoamérica es compleja y diversa.
    The history of the mestizo in Latin America is complex and diverse.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term mestizo can also be used in various idiomatic expressions and phrases that highlight identity and cultural blending.

  1. "Mestizo de corazón"
    En este país, ser mestizo de corazón significa aceptar todas las culturas que nos conforman.
    In this country, being mestizo at heart means embracing all the cultures that shape us.

  2. "La mezcla mestiza"
    La mezcla mestiza de tradiciones y costumbres es lo que enriquece nuestra sociedad.
    The mestizo blend of traditions and customs is what enriches our society.

  3. "Identidad mestiza"
    La identidad mestiza nos recuerda que somos el resultado de una historia compartida.
    The mestizo identity reminds us that we are the result of a shared history.

  4. "Orgullo mestizo"
    El orgullo mestizo se celebra en cada festival cultural que tiene lugar en la región.
    Mestizo pride is celebrated at every cultural festival that takes place in the region.


The word mestizo originates from the Latin term mixticius, which means "mixed." It was historically used during the Spanish colonial era to describe individuals born from Spanish and Indigenous parents, solidifying a racial category during the periods of mestizaje (mixing) that characterized many Latin American societies.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Mixed-race - Híbrido (hybrid)

Antonyms: - Puro (pure) - Indígena (indigenous, in some contexts when referring to ethnic identity)

In summary, the term mestizo carries significant cultural weight in the context of Latin America, symbolizing the blending of diverse cultural heritages and identities. Its usage reflects historical narratives and contemporary discussions on identity and ethnicity.
