modismo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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modismo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Modismo is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Use in Spanish

In the Spanish language, modismo refers to an idiomatic expression or phrase that has a meaning not deducible from the individual words. These expressions are specific to a language and often carry cultural connotations. Modismos are commonly used in both spoken and written Spanish, but they tend to occur more frequently in oral communication as they contribute to informal language and everyday conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. El profesor nos explicó un modismo interesante que usan en México.
  2. The teacher explained an interesting idiom that they use in Mexico.

  3. Es importante conocer los modismos de un idioma para comprender mejor a los hablantes nativos.

  4. It is important to know the idioms of a language to better understand native speakers.

  5. Los modismos pueden ser muy confusos para los estudiantes de español.

  6. Idioms can be very confusing for students of Spanish.

Idiomatic Expressions

Modismo is frequently used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Below are examples of such expressions:

  1. Hacer un modismo: Utilizar una expresión idiomática.
  2. No entienden cuando haces un modismo en inglés.
  3. (They don't understand when you use an idiom in English.)

  4. Tener un modismo en la lengua: Usar una expresión muy característico de un hablante.

  5. Siempre tiene un modismo en la lengua que me hace reír.
  6. (He always has an idiom on his tongue that makes me laugh.)

  7. Perder el hilo del modismo: No entender lo que se dice en una conversación por culpa de las expresiones.

  8. Perdí el hilo del modismo y no supe a qué te referías.
  9. (I lost the thread of the idiom and didn't know what you were referring to.)

  10. Decir un modismo: Expresar un pensamiento a través de una frase idiomática.

  11. Dijo un modismo que me hizo pensar en cómo lo vemos todos de forma diferente.
  12. (He said an idiom that made me think about how we all see it differently.)


The term modismo derives from the Spanish root word "modo," meaning "way" or "manner," combined with the suffix "-ismo," which denotes a condition or characteristic. This suggests a particular way of expression that is characteristic of a language or culture.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Expresión idiomática - Frase hecha

Antonyms: - Literalidad - Expresión literal

In summary, the word modismo represents an important aspect of the Spanish language, enriching conversations and providing cultural depth through idiomatic expressions.
