monedas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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monedas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun (plural)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "monedas" refers to physical pieces of currency, typically made of metal, that are used as a medium of exchange in economic transactions. It can also refer more generally to currency in certain contexts. In Spanish, "monedas" is used frequently both in oral and written communication, especially in discussions related to finance, shopping, and economic matters.

Frequency of Use

Example Sentences

  1. La tienda solo acepta monedas y no billetes.
  2. The store only accepts coins and not bills.

  3. Necesito algunas monedas para usar en la máquina expendedora.

  4. I need some coins to use in the vending machine.

  5. Las monedas de este país tienen diseños muy interesantes.

  6. The coins of this country have very interesting designs.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "monedas" itself may not form many idiomatic expressions, it is vital in expressions that relate to money in general. Here are a few examples:

  1. "No tengo ni una moneda"
  2. I don’t have a single coin.
  3. Meaning: I don't have any money at all.

  4. "A buen hambre no hay mal pan, ni mal moneda"

  5. To a good hunger, there is no bad bread, nor bad coin.
  6. Meaning: In desperate situations, people will take what they can get.

  7. "Contar monedas"

  8. To count coins.
  9. Meaning: To consider one's finances carefully or to be frugal.

  10. "Cambiar monedas por billetes"

  11. To change coins for bills.
  12. Meaning: To exchange smaller denominations for larger ones, often symbolizing a shift in perspective or financial strategy.


The word "moneda" comes from the Latin moneta, which originally referred to the temple of Juno Moneta in ancient Rome, where coins were minted. Over time, it evolved to refer to the coins themselves and by extension to currency in general.



Note: The context of "monedas" primarily relates to currency and financial discussions, while its antonyms often refer to financial liabilities or losses.
