movilidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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movilidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Movilidad" refers to the ability to move freely and easily. In a general context, it pertains to physical movement and transportation. In economics, it can refer to the fluidity of resources and labor in the market. In a medical context, it may describe the range of motion in human anatomy. In geography and military contexts, mobility can denote the ability to move troops or resources effectively.

The word "movilidad" is commonly used in both oral and written forms, though it tends to appear more frequently in formal contexts, such as reports and discussions regarding urban planning, transportation policies, or healthcare.

Example Sentences

  1. La movilidad urbana es un tema importante en las ciudades modernas.
    (Urban mobility is an important issue in modern cities.)

  2. El doctor evaluó la movilidad del paciente después de la cirugía.
    (The doctor assessed the patient's mobility after the surgery.)

  3. La movilidad de la fuerza laboral es esencial para el crecimiento económico.
    (The mobility of the labor force is essential for economic growth.)

Idiomatic Expressions

"Movilidad" is integral to several idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often emphasizing movement, flexibility, or adaptability.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Tener movilidad en el trabajo es clave para el éxito.
    (Having mobility at work is key to success.)

  2. La movilidad social es un tema que preocupa a muchos en la sociedad.
    (Social mobility is a concern for many in society.)

  3. La movilidad geográfica permite a las personas encontrar mejores oportunidades.
    (Geographic mobility allows people to find better opportunities.)

  4. Con la nueva ley, se espera mejorar la movilidad en el transporte público.
    (With the new law, it is expected to improve mobility in public transportation.)

  5. La movilidad del equipo es esencial para operaciones militares exitosas.
    (The mobility of the unit is essential for successful military operations.)


The word "movilidad" originates from the Latin "mobilitas," which derives from "mobili," meaning "movable" or "mobile." The transition into modern Spanish maintained its core meaning related to movement.

Synonyms and Antonyms



Overall, "movilidad" encompasses a broad spectrum of meanings and applications across various contexts, making it a significant term in both everyday and specialized language.
