movimiento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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movimiento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Movimiento is a noun (sustantivo).

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Movimiento generally refers to the act of moving or a change in position. In various contexts, it can mean: - A physical movement (like the movement of a body or an object). - A social, political, or cultural movement (e.g., the civil rights movement). - In economics, it can refer to market movements (like trends or fluctuations). - In physics, it denotes motion in terms of mechanics.

In Spanish, movimiento is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, depending on its application. It is commonly found in academic discussions, literature, and everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. El movimiento de los planetas es fascinante.
  2. The movement of the planets is fascinating.

  3. El movimiento social busca cambiar las leyes injustas.

  4. The social movement aims to change unjust laws.

  5. El movimiento del tren fue muy rápido.

  6. The train's movement was very fast.

Idiomatic Expressions

Movimiento is often included in various idiomatic expressions that highlight its importance in different contexts:

  1. A otro movimiento, otra danza.
  2. To another movement, another dance. (This expression refers to adapting to new situations.)

  3. Estar en movimiento.

  4. To be in movement. (Indicates that someone is active or busy.)

  5. Moverse como un pez en el agua.

  6. To move like a fish in water. (Means to be very comfortable in a situation.)

  7. Hacer un movimiento estratégico.

  8. To make a strategic move. (Refers to making a well-thought-out decision.)

  9. No hay movimiento en la negociación.

  10. There is no movement in the negotiation. (Indicates a standstill in discussions.)

  11. Cada movimiento cuenta.

  12. Every move matters. (Implying that even small actions can have significant effects.)

  13. Estar en el movimiento.

  14. To be in the movement. (This often refers to being involved in a social or political movement.)

  15. Extraer un movimiento.

  16. To extract a movement. (This can refer to identifying or formulating a specific action in discussions or analyses.)


The word movimiento comes from the Latin word movementum, which is derived from movere, meaning "to move". The transition from Latin to Spanish saw the term evolve to encompass both physical motion and abstract developments in social, political, and economic contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Traslado (transfer) - Desplazamiento (displacement) - Agitación (agitation) - Actividad (activity)

Antonyms: - Inmovilidad (immobility) - Estancamiento (stagnation) - Quietud (stillness)
