muerte - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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muerte (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage in Spanish

The word "muerte" refers to the cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism. It is a common term used in various contexts, including general conversations, legal terminology (context of inheritance, wills), and medical discussions related to the end of life.

In everyday language, "muerte" can denote not just physical death but also metaphorical 'death' such as the end of an era or lifestyle. The word is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, often showing a higher prevalence in written texts due to its usage in literature, reports, and legal documents.

Example Sentences

  1. La muerte de su abuelo fue un momento muy difícil para la familia.
  2. The death of her grandfather was a very difficult moment for the family.

  3. En muchos países, la muerte asistida es un tema controvertido.

  4. In many countries, assisted death is a controversial topic.

  5. La muerte es una parte inevitable de la vida.

  6. Death is an inevitable part of life.

Idiomatic Expressions Including "Muerte"

The term "muerte" is frequently included in idiomatic expressions, which often provide deeper cultural insights or reflect societal attitudes towards death.

  1. Tener la muerte en el alma
  2. "Ella tenía la muerte en el alma tras la noticia de su enfermedad."
  3. "She had death in her soul after the news of her illness."

  4. Comer hasta morir

  5. "En la fiesta, todos comieron hasta morir."
  6. "At the party, everyone ate until death."

  7. Dar a luz a la muerte

  8. "Su lucha final dio a luz a la muerte de su enemigo."
  9. "His final struggle gave birth to the death of his enemy."

  10. Muerte lenta

  11. "Rodeado de problemas, sentía que estaba viviendo una muerte lenta."
  12. "Surrounded by problems, he felt he was living a slow death."

  13. Morir de risa

  14. "La comedia fue tan divertida que morimos de risa."
  15. "The comedy was so funny that we died laughing."


The word "muerte" originates from the Latin word "mors," which also means death. Over time, it has evolved in its usage while maintaining the core meaning related to the cessation of life.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Defunción - Fallecimiento - Extinción

Antonyms: - Vida - Existencia - Vitalidad

In summary, "muerte" is a significant term in the Spanish language that encompasses various contexts and idiomatic expressions, providing a rich avenue for exploration around the concept of death.
