The term "multiplicador" refers to a quantity or factor by which another number is multiplied. In mathematics, it is commonly used in the context of multiplication, scales, or ratios. In various technical fields, including polytechnic and military contexts, it may also reference devices or systems that amplify or increase a certain effect.
"Multiplicador" is a commonly used term in both written and oral forms, especially in educational, scientific, and technical discussions. Its frequency is notably higher in contexts such as mathematics, industrial applications, and economic discussions.
El multiplicador en esta ecuación nos ayuda a resolver el problema más rápidamente.
The multiplier in this equation helps us solve the problem more quickly.
Para calcular el crecimiento económico, usamos el multiplicador fiscal.
To calculate economic growth, we use the fiscal multiplier.
En este experimento, el multiplicador del sonido se ha incrementado significativamente.
In this experiment, the sound multiplier has increased significantly.
"Multiplicador" does not have many widely recognized idiomatic expressions but can be involved in several specialized contexts.
El país necesita un multiplicador de inversión para impulsar su economía.
The country needs an investment multiplier to boost its economy.
En mercado laboral, un buen multiplicador de habilidades puede marcar la diferencia entre ser contratado o no.
In the labor market, a good skills multiplier can make the difference between being hired or not.
Se considera que la educación es un multiplicador de oportunidades en la vida de las personas.
Education is considered a multiplier of opportunities in people's lives.
The term "multiplicador" comes from the Latin word "multiplicator," which itself stems from "multiplicare," meaning "to multiply." The prefix "multi-" means "many," which reflects the function of multiplying quantities.
- Aumentador (enhancer)
- Factor (factor)
- Divisor (divider)
- Reducidor (reducer)