The word "mundial" is used to describe something that is related to the entire world or universal. As an adjective, it conveys the idea of something encompassing the whole world, while as a noun, it can refer to events, like the World Cup (Copa Mundial), that have global significance.
In terms of frequency of use, "mundial" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts. However, it can often be seen in discussions about global events, politics, international relations, sports, and environmental issues, making it prevalent in news articles and formal discussions.
The World Cup will be held next year.
Las crisis climáticas son un problema mundial que todos debemos enfrentar.
Climate crises are a global problem that we all must face.
La pandemia del COVID-19 tuvo un impacto mundial sin precedentes.
The word "mundial" is also part of several idiomatic expressions that emphasize its global significance. Here are a few expressions and their usage:
The global awareness of climate change is increasing.
Mercado mundial
E-commerce has significantly grown in the global market.
Problemas mundiales
Poverty and hunger are global issues that need solutions.
Cultura mundial
Technology has helped spread global culture.
Interconexión mundial
The word "mundial" originates from the Latin "mundialis," which is derived from "mundus," meaning "world." The evolution of the term links it closely with ideas surrounding international significance and universality.
Synonyms - Global - Internacional - Universal - Total
Antonyms - Local - Regional - Particular - Limitado (limited)