muralla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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muralla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Muralla is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term muralla refers to a thick wall, often made of stone, specifically designed for protection or fortification. It can denote the outer walls of a fortress or castle, and in broader contexts, it may refer to any large, enclosing wall. The term is commonly used in historical, architectural, and military contexts.

Frequency of Use: - Muralla is frequently utilized in both oral and written contexts, especially when discussing historical sites, architecture, or military fortifications. It appears more in written contexts due to its specific meanings related to history and architecture.

Example Sentences

  1. La muralla de la ciudad antigua fue construida en el siglo XVI.
  2. The wall of the ancient city was built in the 16th century.

  3. Los arqueólogos están excavando la muralla que rodeaba el castillo.

  4. The archaeologists are excavating the wall that surrounded the castle.

  5. Durante la guerra, la muralla proporcionó refugio a los ciudadanos.

  6. During the war, the wall provided shelter to the citizens.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word muralla is often included in certain idiomatic expressions, particularly those related to barriers or protection.

  1. Hacer murallas - To build barriers.
  2. Él siempre hace murallas para evitar que la gente se acerque.
  3. He always builds barriers to keep people away.

  4. Vivir detrás de una muralla - To live behind a wall (metaphorically implying being isolated or protected).

  5. Ella vive detrás de una muralla que ella misma ha construido.
  6. She lives behind a wall that she built herself.

  7. Romper la muralla - To break the wall (implying overcoming obstacles).

  8. Nosotros necesitamos romper la muralla de desconfianza entre los grupos.
  9. We need to break the wall of distrust between the groups.


The word muralla comes from the Latin "murus," which means wall. The diminutive suffix "-alla" has been added in Spanish, indicating a larger or significant structure. Over time, it has evolved to specifically denote fortifying walls.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Pared (wall) - Muró (in some contexts, though it primarily means 'wall' in general)

Antonyms: - Abismo (abyss, used metaphorically to imply an opening or gap) - Hueco (void or hole)

Overall, muralla holds a significant position in the Spanish language, not just as a physical concept but also in metaphorical and idiomatic expressions.
