nacimiento - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nacimiento (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Nacimiento" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Nacimiento" refers to the act or process of being born, the moment of birth, or the origin of something. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as general discussions about life and existence, religious contexts related to the birth of Jesus (Nativity), and even in different fields like law and medicine to denote the point of origin of a person or entity.

The term is frequently used both in oral speech and written context, though you may find more instances in written forms such as reports and legal documents.

Example Sentences

  1. El nacimiento de un niño es un momento especial para toda la familia.
    The birth of a child is a special moment for the whole family.

  2. El nacimiento de la nueva empresa fue anunciado en la conferencia de prensa.
    The origin of the new company was announced at the press conference.

  3. La celebración del nacimiento de Jesús es un evento importante para los cristianos.
    The celebration of the birth of Jesus is an important event for Christians.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Nacimiento" is often part of idioms and phrases in Spanish. Here are several examples:

  1. Nacer con estrella
    To be born under a lucky star
    Ella siempre ha tenido éxito; parece que nació con estrella.
    She has always been successful; it seems she was born under a lucky star.

  2. Un nuevo nacimiento
    A new beginning
    Después de muchos problemas, finalmente siente que está teniendo un nuevo nacimiento en su vida.
    After many problems, he finally feels that he is having a new beginning in his life.

  3. Nacer para la grandeza
    Born for greatness
    Desde pequeño, siempre supe que él iba a nacer para la grandeza.
    Since he was little, I always knew he was born for greatness.

  4. A buen nacimiento, buena actitud
    A good birth brings a good attitude
    Ella siempre muestra una actitud positiva; a buen nacimiento, buena actitud.
    She always shows a positive attitude; a good birth brings a good attitude.


The word "nacimiento" comes from the Latin "natiō, natiōnis," which translates to 'birth,' 'lineage,' or 'race.' It reflects the evolution of the term through its use in various contexts over time.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview encapsulates the diverse meanings, usage, contextual examples, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and synonyms and antonyms related to the word "nacimiento."
