nadar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nadar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "nadar" means "to swim" in English. It is used to describe the act of moving through water by using the limbs. In the Spanish language, "nadar" is frequently encountered in both oral and written contexts, primarily in conversations, instructional materials, and sports-related discussions.

Frequency of Use

"Nadar" is a common verb in Spanish, particularly in countries with a strong culture of aquatic sports or recreational swimming, such as coastal or riverine regions. It is used more in oral speech, especially in everyday conversations about leisure activities, health, and exercise.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gusta nadar en el mar los fines de semana.
  2. I like to swim in the sea on weekends.

  3. Desde pequeño, aprendí a nadar en la piscina de mi abuelo.

  4. Since I was little, I learned to swim in my grandfather's pool.

  5. Nadar es una excelente forma de ejercicio.

  6. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "nadar" can be used in idiomatic expressions, it primarily appears in phrases relating to swimming or aquatic themes. Here are some examples:

  1. Nadar contra la corriente.
  2. To swim against the current.
  3. This phrase means to go against the majority or face opposition.

  4. Nadar en un mar de dudas.

  5. To swim in a sea of doubts.
  6. This expression is used to describe a state of confusion or uncertainty.

  7. No hay que nadar en un vaso de agua.

  8. One should not swim in a glass of water.
  9. This idiom means to avoid making a big deal out of something trivial.

  10. Nadar es su pasión, por eso siempre está en la piscina.

  11. Swimming is her passion, that's why she's always in the pool.
  12. This highlights the enthusiasm someone has for swimming.

  13. Estaba tan contento que sentí que podía nadar entre las nubes.

  14. I was so happy that I felt I could swim among the clouds.
  15. This expression conveys intense happiness or joy.


The word "nadar" comes from the Latin "natare," which means "to swim." The Latin root also relates to "natus," meaning "born," linking back to ideas of movement through water, as if swimming is an intrinsic ability or natural state.

Synonyms and Antonyms



These synonyms and antonyms can provide additional context and nuances to the understanding of "nadar" in different scenarios.
