nana - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nana (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Nana is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Use

The word nana is commonly used in several Spanish-speaking countries to refer to a grandmother, but it can also denote a nanny or caretaker for children. It is a colloquial and affectionate term.

In different Spanish dialects, the frequency of use can vary, but it is generally more prevalent in informal oral communication rather than formal written contexts. It is widely recognized and understood across various Spanish-speaking countries, particularly in Latin America.

Example Sentences

  1. Mi nana siempre me cuenta historias antes de dormir.
    My nana always tells me stories before bed.

  2. Cuando era niño, pasaba mucho tiempo con mi nana.
    When I was a child, I spent a lot of time with my nana.

  3. La nana de Juan viene a cuidar a los niños cuando sus padres trabajan.
    Juan's nanny comes to take care of the kids when their parents are working.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word nana appears in several idiomatic expressions, often related to care or family dynamics. Here are some examples:

  1. Hacerle la nana a alguien.
    To take care of someone like a nanny.
    Se siente mal, así que le voy a hacer la nana a mi hermano.
    He feels sick, so I am going to take care of my brother like a nanny.

  2. Nana de día.
    Caregiver by day.
    María es la nana de día, pero también ayuda en las noches.
    Maria is the caregiver by day, but she also helps at night.

  3. La nana del corazón.
    The one who cares for your heart.
    Ella siempre ha sido la nana del corazón de todos sus amigos.
    She has always been the one who cares for the heart of all her friends.


The word nana has its roots in the Spanish language, likely deriving from the baby talk or diminutive terms used for comforting or affectionate reference to a grandmother or caregiver. It reflects a language evolution that incorporates informal and loving ways to refer to elders or caretakers in the family structure.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Abuela (grandmother) - Cuidadora (caregiver) - Niñera (nanny)

Antonyms: - Nieto (grandson) - Hijo (son) - Propio (one's own, in the context of not being a caregiver)
