napa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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napa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


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Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "napa" refers primarily to a type of leather that is soft and flexible, commonly used in the design of garments, shoes, and other products. It can also refer to a kind of fabric. The term is relatively common in discussions about fashion and leather goods, appearing more frequently in written contexts such as articles on fashion or product descriptions than in oral conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. La chaqueta está hecha de napa de alta calidad.
    The jacket is made of high-quality napa leather.

  2. El bolso que compré es de napa suave y resistente.
    The handbag I bought is made of soft and durable napa leather.

  3. Los zapatos de napa son muy cómodos para usar todo el día.
    Napa leather shoes are very comfortable to wear all day.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "napa" itself may not be frequently used in idiomatic expressions, it can be part of phrases related to material quality, craftsmanship, or fashion.

  1. Estar a la altura de la napa:
    To be up to the quality of napa.
    This expression describes being of high quality or standard, similar to the fine characteristics of napa leather.

  2. Vestir napa:
    To dress in napa.
    This expression is often used to indicate wearing high-quality, stylish clothing made of napa.

  3. Napa en el vestir:
    Napa in dressing.
    Refers to the idea of dressing well or fashionably, implying the use of good materials like napa.


The word "napa" comes from the Spanish term for a type of soft leather. It has roots in the Latin "nappa," which means cloth or fabric, and further relates to the materials used in the production of clothing and accessories.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cuero (leather) - Piel (skin)

Antonyms: - Sintético (synthetic; non-leather fabric) - Tela (fabric, referring to non-leather materials)

This comprehensive analysis of "napa" provides insights into its meaning, usage, idiomatic expressions, and contextual relevance in Spanish.
