narigudo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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narigudo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Big-nosed
  2. Snub-nosed (depending on context)

Meaning and Usage

The word narigudo is an informal or colloquial adjective derived from the noun nariz, meaning "nose." It primarily describes someone who has a notably big or prominent nose. It can be used affectionately or derogatorily, depending on the context and tone. The word is commonly used in both oral speech and written contexts, although it may appear more frequently in casual conversations rather than formal writing.

Example Sentences

  1. Ese chico es un poco narigudo, pero es muy simpático.
    That boy is a bit big-nosed, but he is very nice.

  2. No te burles de él solo porque es narigudo.
    Don’t make fun of him just because he has a big nose.

  3. Me parece que quienes son narigudos tienen un aspecto muy característico.
    I think those who are big-nosed have a very distinctive appearance.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although narigudo itself may not form part of widely known idiomatic expressions, there are some colloquial phrases in Spanish that feature references to noses, which can convey similar meanings or contexts.

  1. Estar con la nariz en todo.
    To have one's nose in everything. (To be overly involved in other people’s affairs.)
  2. Ella siempre está con la nariz en todo lo que hacen sus amigos.
    She is always with her nose in everything her friends do.

  3. Poner la nariz donde no le llaman.
    To put one's nose where it doesn't belong. (To meddle in situations that don’t concern you.)

  4. Ese vecino siempre pone la nariz donde no le llaman.
    That neighbor always puts his nose where it doesn't belong.

  5. No me metas en tu nariz.
    Don't involve me in your business.

  6. No me metas en tu nariz, yo solo quiero disfrutar la fiesta.
    Don’t involve me in your business; I just want to enjoy the party.


The term narigudo is derived from the noun nariz (nose) and combined with the suffix -udo, which denotes an abundance or excess of a characteristic. The suffix often implies a somewhat informal or colloquial tone, making it a less formal descriptor.

Synonyms and Antonyms



The word narigudo is mainly used in informal contexts, and while its primary meaning relates to physical appearance, its usage can sometimes carry connotations that may reflect personality traits or social perceptions associated with individuals having large noses.
