narrar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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narrar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "narrar" means to recount or describe events or stories, typically in a detailed manner. In the Spanish language, it is commonly used in contexts involving storytelling, reporting, or descriptive writing. Its frequency of use is moderate, and it is employed in both oral speech and written contexts, often associated with literary works, journalism, and personal anecdotes.

Example Sentences

  1. El autor decidió narrar su vida en un libro.
    The author decided to narrate his life in a book.

  2. Ella siempre sabe cómo narrar historias fascinantes.
    She always knows how to narrate fascinating stories.

  3. El periodista debe narrar los hechos de manera objetiva.
    The journalist must narrate the facts objectively.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "narrar" does not have extensively recognized idiomatic expressions specifically focused on it, it can appear in various phrases related to the act of storytelling or conveying information. Below are examples with contextual phrases:

  1. Narrar los hechos con precisión es fundamental en el periodismo.
    Narrating the facts accurately is fundamental in journalism.

  2. Al narrar, debemos captar la atención del público.
    When narrating, we must capture the audience's attention.

  3. No basta con narrar; hay que hacer sentir las emociones.
    It's not enough to narrate; one must make the emotions felt.

  4. Es un arte narrar de tal manera que el oyente se sienta parte de la historia.
    It is an art to narrate in such a way that the listener feels part of the story.


The word "narrar" comes from the Latin "narrāre," which means "to tell" or "to relate." It is derived from the noun "narratio," which refers to a narrative or storytelling.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Contar (to tell) - Relatar (to relate) - Describir (to describe)

Antonyms: - Callar (to be silent) - Omitir (to omit) - Esconder (to hide)

This comprehensive analysis of the verb "narrar" illustrates its significance in the Spanish language, alongside its usage, expressions, etymology, and relationships with similar words.
