narrativo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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narrativo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "narrativo" is used as an adjective to describe something that relates to narration or storytelling. It refers to forms of communication, literature, or media that tell a story, express events, or describe actions in either fictional or non-fictional contexts.

In the Spanish language, "narrativo" can be used in various contexts, commonly in literature, film, and everyday conversations. It is frequently encountered in both written and spoken forms but tends to be used more in written contexts, particularly in academic or literary discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. El estilo narrativo de este autor es muy envolvente.
  2. The narrative style of this author is very captivating.

  3. La película tiene un enfoque narrativo innovador que atrae a la audiencia.

  4. The film has an innovative narrative approach that engages the audience.

  5. En clase, estamos estudiando las técnicas narrativas utilizadas en la novela.

  6. In class, we are studying the narrative techniques used in the novel.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "narrativo" itself may not be part of many idiomatic expressions, its roots and related forms can be found in various contexts discussing storytelling and narration. Here are a few related examples:

  1. "Un relato narrativo" es la base de toda buena novela.
  2. "A narrative tale" is the foundation of every good novel.

  3. El poder de la narrativa reside en su capacidad de conectar con las emociones.

  4. The power of narrative lies in its ability to connect with emotions.

  5. La narrativa oral es esencial para la cultura de muchas comunidades.

  6. Oral narrative is essential for the culture of many communities.

  7. La narrativa histórica ofrece una perspectiva única sobre el pasado.

  8. Historical narrative provides a unique perspective on the past.

  9. Estudiar narrativa en el cine puede abrir nuevas formas de entender la trama.

  10. Studying narrative in film can open new ways of understanding the plot.


The word "narrativo" originates from the Latin "narrativus," which means "relating to narration." This is derived from "narrare," meaning "to tell" or "to relate," indicating the act of recounting stories or events.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Relatador (relational) - Narrador (narrator)

Antonyms: - Análogo (analogous) - Descriptivo (descriptive)
