nata - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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nata (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word nata is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. cream (specifically, the layer that forms on top of milk)
  2. curd (in the context of a coagulated substance)

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, nata primarily refers to the layer of cream that rises to the top of milk when it is heated or boiled. It can also refer to cream in culinary contexts, particularly in Latin American cuisine. The term is quite common and can be used both in oral speech and in written contexts, notably in cooking, food discussions, and dairy-related topics.

In terms of frequency, it is a commonly used word in everyday conversations as well as in cooking literature.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gusta añadir nata a mi café.
    I like to add cream to my coffee.

  2. La nata se utilizó para hacer un postre delicioso.
    The cream was used to make a delicious dessert.

  3. En la parte superior del pastel había una deliciosa capa de nata.
    There was a delicious layer of cream on top of the cake.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word nata is often used in idiomatic expressions, especially in colloquial Spanish. Here are some examples:

  1. Estar/Ser la nata
    Ejemplo: “Siempre llega tarde, pero cuando llega es la nata del grupo.”
    Translation: "He always arrives late, but when he arrives, he's the cream of the group."
    (This expression indicates that someone is the best part of a group.)

  2. Cosechar la nata
    Ejemplo: “Debes cosechar la nata de tu esfuerzo, has trabajado mucho.”
    Translation: "You should reap the cream of your efforts; you have worked hard."
    (This means to enjoy the rewards of one’s hard work.)

  3. Hacer nata
    Ejemplo: “No olvides hacer nata mientras preparas la crema.”
    Translation: "Don't forget to whip cream while you prepare the cream."
    (Referring to the process of aerating cream.)

  4. Todo lo que sube es nata
    Ejemplo: "En la vida, hay que recordar que todo lo que sube es nata y puede caer."
    Translation: "In life, one must remember that everything that rises is cream and can fall."
    (Indicating that successes may be fleeting.)


The word nata comes from the Latin word nata, which means "born" or "to be born" in the sense of something that rises or forms. This relates to how cream forms on top of milk.



This comprehensive overview covers the primary meanings and uses of the word nata, along with relevant idiomatic expressions, etymology, synonyms, and antonyms.
