naufragar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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naufragar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verb (intransitive)

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Naufragar" is a verb that refers to the act of a ship sinking or being wrecked, often leading to the passengers being stranded or cast away. It is commonly used in both nautical contexts and figuratively to describe situations where a project, plan, or enterprise fails dramatically. In terms of frequency, "naufragar" is found more in written contexts, particularly in literature, news articles about maritime disasters, or in discussions about failures.

Example Sentences

  1. El barco comenzó a naufragar tras golpear un iceberg.
  2. The ship began to sink after hitting an iceberg.

  3. Muchos navegantes han naufragado en estas aguas peligrosas.

  4. Many sailors have shipwrecked in these dangerous waters.

  5. Su plan para abrir un restaurante naufragó debido a la falta de financiamiento.

  6. His plan to open a restaurant sank due to lack of funding.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Naufragar" is not typically part of widely recognized idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, it can be used metaphorically in discussions of failure in various contexts. Below are a few creative usages that illustrate how "naufragar" might appear in expression-like structures:

  1. Sus expectativas naufragaron en el mar de la realidad.
  2. His expectations shipwrecked in the sea of reality.

  3. Cuando se trata de negocios, no navegar es peligroso; es mejor prevenir que naufragar.

  4. When it comes to business, not navigating is dangerous; it is better to prevent than to sink.

  5. Intentó luchar contra la corrupción, pero sus esfuerzos naufragaron como un barco en tormenta.

  6. He tried to fight against corruption, but his efforts sank like a ship in a storm.

  7. La relación naufragó por la falta de comunicación entre los dos.

  8. The relationship sank due to the lack of communication between the two.


The word "naufragar" derives from the Latin "naufragare," which is a compound of "navis" meaning "ship" and "fragor" meaning "to break" or "to shatter." This origin directly relates to the concept of a ship being destroyed or wrecked.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Hundir (to sink) - Colisionar (to collide) - Despachar (to dispatch [in a figurative sense of fail])

Antonyms: - Flotar (to float) - Salvaguardar (to safeguard) - Rescatar (to rescue)


In summary, "naufragar" is a verb with specific maritime and metaphorical applications in Spanish. Although it may not be found in idiomatic expressions frequently, it serves as a potent descriptor of failure and disaster both at sea and in life endeavors.
