navegante - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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navegante (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Navegante is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term navegante refers to a person who navigates or steers a vessel, especially at sea. It is commonly associated with maritime activities and is used in both military and civilian contexts. In a military setting, a navegante may specifically refer to a naval officer responsible for the navigation of ships or submarines.

Frequency of Use

Navegante is a moderately common term in Spanish, particularly in contexts related to naval operations, maritime training, and exploration. It is used both in written and oral contexts, with a slight preference for written use in technical or formal documents.

Example Sentences

  1. El navegante del buque fue clave para evitar un accidente en alta mar.
  2. The navigator of the ship was crucial in avoiding an accident at sea.

  3. La formación del navegante incluye el aprendizaje de técnicas de navegación y meteorología.

  4. The training of the navigator includes learning navigation techniques and meteorology.

  5. Durante la guerra, el navegante debe ser rápido y preciso en sus decisiones.

  6. During the war, the navigator must be quick and precise in their decisions.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although navegante is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, the maritime theme has inspired a few phrases that can serve as metaphors for navigation through life's challenges. Here are some constructions where navegante appears:

  1. Navegante de las dificultades.
  2. Una persona que supera los obstáculos con destreza.
  3. A navigator of difficulties.
  4. A person who skillfully overcomes obstacles.

  5. Navegante de tu destino.

  6. Tú eres el navegante de tu propio destino; tú decides hacia dónde ir.
  7. Navigator of your destiny.
  8. You are the navigator of your own destiny; you decide where to go.

  9. Ser un buen navegante en aguas turbulentas.

  10. En tiempos difíciles, es esencial ser un buen navegante en aguas turbulentas.
  11. To be a good navigator in turbulent waters.
  12. In difficult times, it is essential to be a good navigator in turbulent waters.


The word navegante stems from the verb navegar, which means "to navigate" or "to sail." The root comes from the Latin verb navigare, which also means "to navigate" and is derived from navis (ship) and agere (to drive or do). Over time, navegante developed to refer explicitly to individuals engaged in navigation.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This information should provide a comprehensive understanding of the term navegante as used in the military context and beyond.
