necesidades - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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necesidades (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Necesidades" is a plural noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/neseθiˈðaðes/ (in Spain) or /neseˈiðiðes/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Necesidades" refers to the conditions or things that are essential for an individual's well-being, survival, or fulfillment. In economic and social contexts, it often pertains to basic human needs like food, shelter, clothing, or more abstract needs such as emotional or psychological requirements.

The word "necesidades" is commonly used in both written and oral contexts, but it may appear more frequently in formal written texts, such as academic articles, reports, and guidelines related to economics, sociology, or psychology.

Frequency of Use

In academic and socioeconomic discussions, "necesidades" is a frequently used term, especially in the context of addressing social issues, human development, and public policy.

Example Sentences

  1. Las necesidades básicas de la población deben ser atendidas.
    The basic needs of the population must be addressed.

  2. La empresa realizó un estudio sobre las necesidades de sus clientes.
    The company conducted a study on the needs of its customers.

  3. Es importante comprender las necesidades individuales para ofrecer un buen servicio.
    It is essential to understand individual needs to provide good service.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Necesidades" is part of various expressions in Spanish that reflect the complexities of human demands in different contexts. Here are some idiomatic expressions that include "necesidades":

  1. Satisfacer necesidades
  2. Es fundamental satisfacer necesidades para lograr un desarrollo sostenible.
    It is crucial to satisfy needs to achieve sustainable development.

  3. Atender necesidades

  4. Las organizaciones no gubernamentales se dedican a atender necesidades sociales.
    Non-governmental organizations dedicate themselves to addressing social needs.

  5. Necesidades humanas

  6. El estudio se centra en las necesidades humanas en tiempos de crisis.
    The study focuses on human needs in times of crisis.

  7. Necesidades del mercado

  8. Las empresas deben adaptarse a las necesidades del mercado para sobrevivir.
    Companies must adapt to market needs to survive.

  9. Cubrir necesidades

  10. El objetivo del proyecto es cubrir necesidades educativas de la comunidad.
    The aim of the project is to cover educational needs of the community.


The word "necesidad" comes from the Latin "necessitas," which means "necessity" or "urgent need." The root "neces-" relates to "necesario," which means "necessary."

Synonyms and Antonyms



In conclusion, "necesidades" is a crucial term in economics and social sciences that encompasses the fundamental demands essential for human welfare, reflecting a broad spectrum of individual and collective requirements.
