necrobiosis - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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necrobiosis (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech:


Phonetic transcription:


Translation options into English:



Necrobiosis is a medical term used to describe the degeneration or death of cells or tissues. It is commonly used in the field of dermatology to refer to a particular type of skin lesion characterized by the degeneration of collagen in the skin.

Usage and Frequency:

The term "necrobiosis" is more commonly used in written medical contexts rather than in everyday oral speech. It is a specialized medical term and may not be part of regular conversation.

Example Sentences:

  1. La necrobiosis provoca la degeneración de células y tejidos en la piel. Translation: Necrobiosis causes the degeneration of cells and tissues in the skin.
  2. Los científicos están estudiando los mecanismos que desencadenan la necrobiosis. Translation: Scientists are studying the mechanisms that trigger necrobiosis.

Idiomatic Expressions:

In the field of medicine, "necrobiosis" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions.


The term "necrobiosis" is derived from the Greek roots "nekros," meaning dead, and "bios," meaning life.

Synonyms and Antonyms: