negar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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negar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (verb)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "negar" in Spanish means to deny or refuse something. It is commonly used in various contexts including legal (to deny a claim) and colloquial speech (to refuse to accept something). In general discourse, its use is frequent and can be found in both oral and written contexts.

Frequency of Use

Example Sentences

  1. No puedo negar que me siento muy feliz.
    I can't deny that I feel very happy.

  2. Ella negó haber estado en la fiesta.
    She denied having been at the party.

  3. El acusado negó todos los cargos en su contra.
    The accused denied all charges against him.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "negar" itself may not have many established idiomatic expressions, it can be part of various phrases in Spanish that imply refusal or denial. Here are some relevant expressions:

  1. Negar la evidencia.
    To deny the evidence.
    Es difícil negar la evidencia cuando está tan clara.
    It's hard to deny the evidence when it's so clear.

  2. Negar algo a alguien.
    To deny something to someone.
    No puedo negarles la oportunidad de aprender.
    I cannot deny them the opportunity to learn.

  3. Negarse a aceptar.
    To refuse to accept.
    Se negó a aceptar la oferta que le hicieron.
    He refused to accept the offer he was given.

  4. Negar un hecho.
    To deny a fact.
    Negar un hecho no cambiará la realidad.
    Denying a fact won't change reality.

  5. No se puede negar.
    It cannot be denied.
    No se puede negar que el cambio es necesario.
    It cannot be denied that change is necessary.


The word "negar" comes from the latinate root "negare," which also means to deny or refuse. This root has evolved through the centuries in various Romance languages.



By understanding the word "negar," its uses, and its connections to idiomatic expressions, one can appreciate its role in Spanish language and communication.
